Each player has resource cards [water, metal, wood, plastic (a man-made resource)]. Using these resource cards, the player must gain points by constructing various buildings on the pieces of land.
There are two types of obstacles in the game. Riots make the player lose a turn and the Robber steals your resources.
The bonuses present are Resource Bank (where the player gets more resources) and Free Construction (where the player can build a building on a land of his/her choice). The added Spin again feature helps players to move ahead.
The game subliminally teaches the children that those who can manage their resources the best, will do better as they move forward. The winner of the game is determined by the player who gains the most points from construction and at the same time reaches the center of the circle first.
Research was carried out thoroughly on subjects like what consumerism is, the positive and negative effects on consumerism, consumer culture theory, consumerist economies, sharing economy and ethical consumerism.
I then moved onto looking into how to make a board game and tried understanding child perception of board games.
Ideation for the final board
Making of the final board