A speculative futuristic restaurant experience
Academic ; Group Project
Role - Secondary Research, Narrative Building, Photogrammetry Scans, Final public showcase
FoodHub - Connecting Commuters to Food
An exploration, to gamify the experience of discovering the city's cultural hubs (locations famous for food, aka FoodSpots), while utilizing the local Metro service of the city.
Academic ; Individual Project
Process - Secondary Research, Site Visits, Primary Research, User Journey Mapping, Ideation, Investigative Prototyping, Wireframing, Low-fidelity Prototyping, User Testing
English Dhamal
A project to propose a way to bridge the gap between the pluralistic society and a marginalized community, the Siddi Community of India.
Academic ; Individual Project
Process - Secondary Research, Interview-based Primary Research, Ideation, Concept Creation
TripSpin - Navigation made easy at Majestic Bus Stop
Using the knowledge of tangible computing to design a product for the city's most crowded bus stop.
Academic ; Group Project
Role - Primary Research, Ideation, Coding Sensors, Prototyping
TALKO - A Reception Desk Conversational Agent
Creating a python-based conversational agent for the college front desk.
Academic ; Group Project
Role - Form Exploration and Ideation, Coding Final Prototype, Video Creation
An exploration of an idea of how it would be if objects in everyday life could express themselves using the innate ability of its own material.
Personal ; Group Project
Role - Ideation, Coding, Manufacturing, Video Creation